
Bullying is something that we take very seriously in our school and we will always respond proactively to any information which suggests that it may be happening. We believe that we have a duty to educate and empower both those being bullied and the children instigating the behaviour so that both develop the skills and attitudes to ensure that the cycle of bullying will cease. We do not tolerate bullying in any form and teach all children that nobody deserves to be bullied. We are a TELLING school: we encourage all members of our school community to report bullying to a trusted adult, either in school or at home.

Please do not advise your child to ‘hit back’ and ‘stand up for themselves’ if they talk to you about the behaviours of others which are making them unhappy – please come and talk to us so that we can help all parties seek a resolution.

What is Bullying?

Bullying is ‘behaviour by an individual or a group, usually repeated over time, which intentionally hurts another individual either physically or emotionally.’

Bullying is:

  • Deliberately hurtful
  • Ongoing
  • Unequal and difficult to stop by the person being bullied
  • Can be indirect or direct

Bullying can be:

  • physical (e.g. hitting or kicking)
  • verbal (e.g. abuse or name-calling)
  • non-verbal (e.g. gestures and looks)
  • psychological (e.g. excluding or threats)


If your child is being bullied:

  • Help your child to talk to you.
  • Praise your child for telling you.
  • Help your child feel valued and important.
  • Make sure your child knows who to go to for help.
  • Tell your child you need to involve the school.
  • Collect any evidence eg who did what, when, and what was said and done.

What is cyberbullying?

Cyberbullying is bullying that occurs via mobile phone or the internet.

If your child is being cyberbullied

  • Make sure your child does not retaliate or reply to cyberbullying messages of any kind.
  • If you need to, you can help your child to change their contact details (email, online username, mobile phone number).
  • Use the security tools on your family’s computer, on websites or on your child’s mobile phone.
  • Save evidence of offending emails, text messages or online conversations.
  • Report cyberbullying. You can report the incident to school, the website or service provider, and, in serious cases, the police.

Mr McHale leads all investigations into allegations of cyberbullying.

Whole school Anti-bullying work

Throughout the year we teach our children PSHCE.  This involves assemblies and class work which develop social, emotional and behavioural skills in children:

  • Self awareness
  • Managing Feelings
  • Motivation
  • Empathy
  • Social skills

Anti-Bullying Policy

For more information on Anti-Bullying please see the following Anti-Bullying Policy Helplines and websites:

Childline: 0800 11 11 Free, confidential helpline for children and young people. Trained volunteers offer advice 24 hours a day, by phone and online

Parentline Plus: National charity that works for and with parents. Call 0808 800 2222 for immediate support and advice for parents, 24 hours a day, 7 days a

Kidscape: 08451 205 204 A telephone helpline for parents and carers of bullied

CyberMentors: Safe social networking site providing support for young people affected by bullying. Young people aged 11-25 are trained as CyberMentors so they can offer support and advice.

The Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP) Organisation dedicated to stopping sexual abuse of children – also provides help and advice on cyberbullying website for children and young people about staying safe online.