Parents and Carers
Welcome to the Victoria Primary Academy. We aim to ensure that your family enjoy a long and successful relationship with us and are very much looking forward to working with you. We hope that you will find out everything you need to know about school life on our website, but if there is anything we can do to help you and your child settle into school, please do get in touch.
A full outline of key information as you and your child prepare to start school with us can be found in the School Prospectus. Below are the headline facts which will help you begin to get to grips with everything…
- School opens at 8.30 am and closes at 3.00 pm. We provide after school clubs for our children Monday- Friday. We also have a breakfast club which we offer to FS2-Y6 children. Breakfast club opens at 7:30am and food is served until 8:25am. Children have the opportunity to play with lots of exciting toys and eat plenty of delicious food!
- The school uniform includes a black or grey skirt, dress or trousers, a white polo shirt and a red sweatshirt. Black shoes or trainers should be worn.
- PE kit is required each week and includes plain shorts, a plain white or house team t-shirt and trainers for outdoor use. PE kit should be kept in a named bag.
- Please name EVERY item of clothing so that it can be returned to you if lost. If your child’s clothing is named it will be returned to their classroom. Lost property without a name will be kept and put out at the end of each half-term.
- All pupils throughout Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are entitled to a school dinner provided free of charge. We actively encourage all pupils throughout Reception and KS1, therefore, to take a school dinner alongside their friends and discourage them from bringing a packed lunch. If you are concerned about this, please come in and talk to us about it. Pupils in KS2 can continue to enjoy school dinners or bring a packed lunch. Parents not entitled to Free School Meals should pay for meals in advance. If you believe you may be entitled to Free School Meals – please call in and speak to us and we will be happy to help you.
- Please ensure that we have accurate and up to date contact details so that you can be contacted in an emergency. It is your responsibility to inform us of any changes to these details immediately that they occur.
- Medicines cannot be routinely administered in school. If your child takes medication as a result of a lifelong illness, or is taking prescription medication FOUR times a day for a short time please contact the School Office to discuss.
- It is important that we are advised of all absences by telephone on the first day of absence. The Parent Support Worker will contact parents by telephone if we have not heard of a reason for absence by 9.30 on the first day of absence, and may follow up with a home visit if we are not able to make contact.
- If your child has any medical problems of which you think we should be aware then please let us know as soon as possible so that we can maintain accurate records and be adequately prepared.
- You will receive a weekly school newsletter each Friday and should read this to keep abreast of school news and upcoming events.
- Parents are asked to provide school with an email address so that we can link you up to our Arbor Parent Portal. This will ensure you receive up-to-date news and information as well as any urgent messages.
- We have a Celebration Assembly every Friday to celebrate the achievements of Victoria children.